"We had a wonderful conference and many of our Christians enjoyed the training as well. We were very much impressed for the work done by your team. We thank God for this partnership between the leadership of Rooted In Jesus and the Diocese of Nyamlel – Bishop Peter Garang,Diocese of Nyamlel, South Sudan
"The bible says a sick person is the one who needs the doctor. Rooted in Jesus is the doctor." Bishop Peter Yuol, Diocese of Tonj, South Sudan
"Rooted in Jesus continues to saturate in our Diocese. Changes are evident in the churches, one can see what the Holy Spirit is doing through the training, personally Iam so grateful to God and to you all who made it possible" - Bishop Vicente Msosa, Diocese of Zambezia, Mozambique
"I can share with you the one from my parish who was trained for RiJ Junior: she has already started to accompany some kids at Andranovory church. It was a particularly great moment for us to be with all of you and especially listening to your teaching and testimonies." - Bishop Samitiana Razafindralambo, Diocese of Toliara, Madagascar
The two delegates from our Diocese that were trained with you in Fianarantsoa are practising well what they have gotten at this moment. I am really convinced by the way you help get people into Christ." Bishop Jaomandiny, Diocese of Antsiranana, Madagascar
"Thank you for composition of the team which had talented facilitators. The Rooted in Jesus conference was remarkable and fruitful" – Bishop Moses Zungo, Diocese of Maridi, South Sudan
"We were truly blessed to have you here with us, your presence here was so much appreciated and valued. We didn't want you to leave because there so much to learn from you and we were encouraged by the conference. Everyone was touched" - Biahop Joseph Mamer, Diocese of Wanyjok, South Sudan
“We have continued using the study books in our Ministry teams both at parish and diocesan staff, its been very helpful to both lay and ordained ministers. A few parishes have extended its use to individual pastorate groups at the very grass root and it's been very helpful.” Bishop Rose Okeno, Diocese of Butere, Kenya
"I thank God for our partnership with Rooted in Jesus is a blessing to our pastors and evangelists. Rooted in Jesus conference in the Diocese of Aweil has educated our pastors and evangelists theological, who will contribute to the furtherance the Kingdom of God in Aweil and beyond. I hope you will come back again." Bishop Abraham Nhial, Diocese of Aweil
"The conference held here in Fianarantsoa overthe last four days was fantastic! The team played their parts well, and we also saw the Sunday School teachers fully involved. They loved the practical exercises, and even for me as a priest there was one thing which completely took me aback. It was this: that there are lots of stories about children in the Bible! I hadn't really taken that on board before. But here, in the Rooted in Jesus Junior conference, we looked at lots of stories about children from the Bible. That touched me profoundly. From here I will take home so many new things. When I get back to my parish I will do everything in my power wtih my team to improve the way in which we teach our children in the Province. Thank you very much!" Ve Jean Flobert, Diocese of Fianarantsoa, Madagascar
“They seem to have embraced or understood this Rooted in Jesus training, and they seem more determined to go forward and share it with other people, which we haven’t seen before in any of the other courses that we have done – and we have done many other courses! This Rooted in Jesus seems to be the one that has finally helped us turn that corner.” - Bishop Timothy Wumbuya, Diocese of Butere, Kenya
"I am very grateful for the RinJ training that took place in our diocese, the training was another eye opener to the Clergy and lay leaders that attended training. The participants enjoyed that time of speaking in the Spirit of God and the different ways the Spirit of God can speak to people. What joy that some of the participants hard the experience of the Holy Spirit's touch." - John Onyao, Diocese of Karamoja, Uganda
“I like very much these teachings because they help us to solve problems in marriage, in our village, in church and even in our life. The recent problem was between a wife and her husband, for six months the wife refused to share the same room, same bed and love with her husband. When the RinJ mothers went to Kamangu they advised her by teaching her the word of God and telling her memory verse from Rom 6:23 and Jn 1:12. She accepted to go and ask her husband to forgive her for everything she has done! The same evening there was joy in their couple and they live in peace even now... Those mothers went from Mamba to Kamangu to teach and form groups.” - Veronica Mugo, Missionary Diocese of Kalemie
“Rooted in Jesus is a real eye opener! There is a lot l didn't know about my parishoners. Group introductions alone reveal that our parishoners are dying in silence and I am very convinced that RinJ is the real Cure.” Fr Edward Kawinga, Diocese of Upper Shire, Malawi
"We give glory to the Lord our God for providing Rooted in Jesus program as a means of fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus as outlined in the four Gospels. We are excited to see the involvement of Rooted in Jesus members in growing their fellow members into Christ likeness and at the same time preparing themselves to start new groups in their local settings. With the availability of this program, the church ceases to be an auditorium in which the audiences passively watch what is done by a few people on the stage for years. The program makes it clear that the church in which we are members is on the move where growth and multiplication of believers moves on like fire, catching every area of human location without discrimination. Members discover not only who they are in Christ, but also the Spirit given gifts that they can employ in building up one another and the Church at large. The Spirit is teaching us a lot." – Canon John Musaasizi, Diocese of Mityana, Uganda
"Sunday schools in many churches are meeting under the family of one heart and one mind [RinJ]training. You can find in one church more than three groups that were not there before. Nowadays we can hear voices of kids memorising verses, which is very encouraging to parents and many Christians that there is something new going on in the midst of children. In the Diocese of Mara we have 54 groups going on and doing wonders in memorising and sharing testimonies. Recently I attended a service for Sunday school to complete book 2 at All Saints, Nyasura, Bunda and witnessed how children carry potential for the future of the church. The Anglican Church has a future in Tanzania because children are brought up properly in a biblical teaching" - Canon Jacob Robert, Diocese of Mara, Tanzania
“I was a self employed miner, searching for minerals. I was fond of brawling and drunkenness, and each time I did this I would dream that I was fighting against supernatural aliens – they were like wild beasts. I even had a child with a prostitute. After receiving the teachings of Rooted in Jesus Christ, I now share the good news of Jesus Christ. I now know to pray for myself and for others. I love Jesus Christ.” Group member, Kolwezi, Diocese of Katanga, DR Congo
"We were late arriving in Lindi but a Rooted in Jesus group had gathered in the church to greet us. Lindi is 95% Moslem so the Christians are a rather vulnerable minority. I asked them to share how RinJ had helped them – amazing answers were given: the Pastor said he need no longer worry about sending them to Bible School – Bible School had come to them in their group. One lady said that she was now reading her Bible every day and it was really helping her; another said that the memory verse and the studies were changing her so that even her neighbours had noticed she was different; another said that it was much easier to invie friends to a RinJ group than to church" - Linnet Smith, meeting with group members in the Diocese of Masasi
“Judith had been a delegate in 2011 and shared her testimony. Her marriage to Michael was not good. Following a time of ministry at the previous conference she received the Holy Spirit’s joy and power into her heart and she was like a new woman. When she returned home her husband could see such a change in Judith that he wanted to come to church. He now knows Jesus and he received the Holy Spirit too” – Hilary Buckingham, reporting from the Diocese of Mpwapwa, Tanzania
“The encouragement that I could give to the young people out there is, find a group and join it and experience it for yourself, because this experience is one in a lifetime, you can’t find anything like it!” - Renae, Diocese St Mark, South Africa
"One woman from Nchelenge became a Christian in her village group. Her group had been using material that we use to give villagers a tool to help each other grow in Christ. The material is called Rooted in Jesus, and helps villagers whatever their education level to embrace Christ individually and corporately. At some point this woman noticed the number of orphans in her village, even though she had lived there many years. 'They are all God's children,' she declared, and promptly took some children into her own home at her own expense. The gravity of that action is staggering. She has taken responsibility not only for herself, but for people around her as well.” Jon Paul Witt, working with RinJ through Dignity International in Zambia
"The leaders of the churches testified they benefitted the knowledge of the Bible through Rooted in J. Christ and the Christians who participated enjoyed it also throughout the programme. They shared the word of God: each has to speak and read the Bible and met regularly in fellowship included also the company of fellowship inter their friends. Many Christians committed their lives through Rooted in Jesus Christ from leaders reports. The new converted returned back the good news to their family, some of their relatives also get saved. Report shows that the church in South of Burundi has increased and growth quickly through the programme" - Canon Simon Sibomana, Diocese of Rumonge, Burundi
"Rooted in Jesus has helped me know the Bible and stand firm in my faith. I work for a Muslim factory owner and the Muslims in my factory try and get the Christians to convert. Before Rooted in Jesus I didn’t know how to cope with this but now I can teach the other Christians in the factory the memory verse and help them to stand firm in their faith”, Group Leader, Blantyre, Malawi
“Three quarters of the population are in the refugee camps and others are internally displaced. The believers need Rooted in Jesus at this time of distress and spiritual need. Rooted in Jesus is the only tool and way forward to nourish the Christians and make the newly born Christians grow.” Bishop Emmanuel Modi, Diocese of Kajo-Keji, South Sudan
These seminars are for us keys for men in the house, the keys which help them to go out of the locked door and go to make people disciples... Keys for men out of the house, the keys which help them to enter the group of people and teach them good news, bring them to Jesus, and make
them have roots in Him” - Revd James Mayundo, Coordinator, Missionary Diocese of Kalemie, DR Congo
"I just attended my first Rooted in Jesus training, and the experience was amazing. On the outset, Rooted in Jesus may look like a simple course in Christian discipleship; but upon a closer look, it is a powerful and meaningful course, equipping Africans in their faith in a context that is relative for them" - Nicole Corlew, Growing the Church, after a conference in the Diocese of George, South Africa
"The people who are growing the fastest in my group are those who cannot read or write, because they are the ones who have received the memory verses into their hearts" - Group leader, Kibaya, Diocese of Kiteto, Tanzania
"I thank God for this course of Rooted in Jesus because it brings real change to my own life; the roots have added to me day by day, when I read and teach lessons from the book, and I have many things to share with others. One of my group members said, 'even if we are many, this book is like speaking to us individually'; another said, 'this book is a revelation from God' - and I agree with her." Revd Charles Unjiro, Diocese of Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
"Before that book, my life was very bad. Now my life has been completely changed. I want to thank you so much for Enraizado em Jesus" - Evangelist Ramine, who has planted 19 churches using RinJ, Diocese of Niassa, Mozambique
"Several moments were truly memorable. The way participants in the course were genuinely fired up to go out and deliver RinJ Junior. The way individuals were touched by the Holy Spirit to discover Jesus afresh in a variety of different ways: Captives delivered from evil, visions of angels, renewed relationships with Jesus. The evening worship in Masasi cathedral and the tangible cloud of the Lord's presence will stay with me forever. I was also struck by the tremendous sense of unity in the team. Unity not only was evident within the team, but also between the host dioceses and the team."- Philip Bromiley, team member, Dioceses of Mara & Masasi, Tanzania
"I have never known that I can also teach and apply practically what is said in (1Tim 3:16); after following closely the course and closely attend the group participation, I am now a pastor. I have been a pastor for 10 years I am now transformed to do real the ministry." – Michael Madeha, reporting the words of a rural dean, Diocese of Kiteto, Tanzania
"I am happy to report that Rooted in Jesus has seen its roots indeed going deeper. We are happy and glad that the laity of this Diocese can be given such a chance to undertake theological studies in their local parishes which was perceived as for the ordained ministers. When I visit the parishes I have seen people gathering and undergoing these training on Saturdays and Sundays after Mass. I am delighted to see such progress. I am convinced that if people (the laity) are rooted in Jesus having undergone these trainings, we shall have both the laity and clergy rich spiritually which will lessen the tasks of our priests as we shall have knowledgeable faithfuls. Please continue praying for us." Bishop Brighton Malasa, Diocese of Upper Shire, Malawi
"I convinced ten girls who are prostitutes who want to join the program. The challenge is they need help to sustain themselves. They want to change, to start a new life. We meet every day at 5 am to 6 am. They propose to do business since others have an idea in business, to start small." Susan Chulu, Canon Missioner, Diocese of Eastern Zambia
"Our ministry is led by the boys and girls. Ibrahim and Kennedy are teaching the programme in our orphanage. They tell me they have seen a great change in the way the word is received by the children and there is a great joy and fun in the meetings. There is growth in the Word of God in their lives." - Pastor Moses, Leader at the New Lease of Life Children's Village, Uganda
"In November 2016, we conducted 'Rooted in Jesus Junior' training to a group of Sunday School leaders in Ruiru, north Nairobi. We have since re-visited the church, the bishop and his wife are good friends of ours - unbeknown to us this large church of several hundred members, quite a number who are school teachers and university lecturers, had been unable to keep Sunday School teachers for more than a few months, before they resigned. From the training in early November, to our being there again in late April, not one Sunday School teacher had resigned, and some who had declared they felt they would not be able to offer anything in that line, had come forward to become part of the children's ministry team! We thought this was great news!" Brian Keel, Leadership Development Partnership
"Today at our church, Lamech led Sunday School and for the first time I heard wonderful joy and laughter coming from outside. I was so impressed. It was different. I made an announcement to explain why Sunday School were so happy this week" - Sam Daniel, CMS missionary in the Diocese of Mara, Tanzania
“I started teaching the programme first with my own family. I taught them about the tree and how we are supposed to grow spiritually like a tree. The children have been asking how they can grow like that – and bear fruit with their roots deep down in Jesus. We are enjoying the fruits as a family and the gospel has become sweet to us. We love God’s word and walk in it and share it with others. Some of my children are sharing what they have learned with their friends at church.” Peace Kanjyesho, Calvary Chapel, Uganda
"I found the visit to be amazing, particularly the answers to prayer. Everything listed on my prayer letter was wonderfully answered. I think it will impact my preaching here and make me try doing things in different ways"- Judith Hogg, team member, Diocese of Bunyoro Kitara, Uganda
"Rooted in Jesus helps teachers stay focussed. It uses more creativity in its teaching style than we are used to which helps the teachers and the children learn and own the message. The programme has helped me keep the fire of Jesus burning among the kids in my neighbourhood.When the children’s hearts are ministered to, they resolve to change and choose good behaviour. Before using this programme, kids were fighting, bad mouthing one another and others were crying a lot in my classes. They are now gentler towards each other than they were before we started using Rooted in Jesus Junior" - Edwin Sengooba, Kansanga, Uganda
"Feedback from parishes that have embraced the programme so far are very encouraging. In appreciation of the blessings that arise from the use of Rooted in Jesus material, the Diocese in its 10th Synod held at the Cathedral of St Luke’s in Msoro resolved to extend the use of the four courses under RinJ to the preparation of baptism and confirmation candidates in addition to the material already in use" - Bishop William Mchombo, Diocese of E Zambia
"I am happy to inform you that Rooted in Jesus Junior worked for us so much while at NEW LIFE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH JINJA. From the time we adopted those materials, we experienced vibrant exiting Sunday school meetings with the children. The five Sunday school teachers that I trained using Rooted in Jesus materials have become very good teachers. They are now more practical during every meeting with the children. This has improved much of the children's zeal and love for Christ plus the church. A lot of spiritual gifts were realised like evangelism, worship, preaching, prayer, storytelling, drama, scripture memory verses etc. among the children. Some of these children lead worship during the main service and other church meetings. The number of the children which was about 25 at our church, it has now has grown to 150+"' - Pastor Ali Mukembo, Jinja, Uganda
"On behalf of the conference participants we thank you so much, and we will continue the work of God as Rooted in Jesus taught us. Prophet Ezekiel saw the valley of dry bones, so we were valley of dry bones but now through RinJ team God breathed new life into a valley of dry bones, created waves of revival, waves of growth and spiritual life to His people in Congo” - Bishop Elisah Tendwa, Bishop of the Missionary Diocese of Kalemie, DR Congo
"We thank God that we have 77 small groups which have been formed after the conferences.The RinJ groups are doing well. The teachings are superb, they say. A new atmoshere has been developed as the groups have become a place of sharing and encouragement for one another" - Archbishop Jacob Chimeledya, Diocese of Mpwapwa, Tanzania
“I am a soldier, and although I would go to church I had no foundation of faith. But with all these teachings that I have just received, I my faith is now founded on Jesus Christ. Me and my family, no one can snatch us from his hands. He is our only Lord and Saviour. We will feed on his words in the same way that we feed on real food.” Francois, Diocese of Katanga, DR Congo
"RinJ is the basis for all our ministry and mission training, supporting as it does our diocesan vision to ‘become a communion of communities in Jesus’, ie small groups studying, discipling one another, church planting and rooting, growing in faith and changed lives together" - Revd Helen Van Koevering, Director of Mission and Training, Diocese of Niassa, Mozambique
"I have no doubt that God has commissioned and anointed this course for Africa in much the same way as he is using Alpha in more urban and 'western' settings. We are already starting to see remarkable things in this Diocese as people and congregations are set on fire with the love of Jesus" - Bishop Martin Breytenbach, Diocese of St Mark the Evangelist, South Africa
“The visit to Rwanda was amazing. I knew it would be an adventure - I've never been to Africa before, but I actually was surprised by how 'at home' I felt there. I loved the people and the whole experience of being able to serve them as part of a gifted, loving team. I loved the worship, which was vibrant and full of joy. It was also a privilege to help the delegates to delve more into the Bible, to learn knew skills in leadership and, above all to encounter God afresh through ministry times. I feel that I grew personally, discovering new gifts and healing in my own life. I found the programme really inspiring. As a pioneer minister, my main focus is on making disciples, who can then make disciples, so Rooted in Jesus was very relevant to me. – Revd Kristy Pattimore, team member, Kigali, Rwanda
"Rooted in Jesus is the most needed course we need now that any time before. Our people need this course to be able to go deep and rooted in knowing the word of God. This was our first time course and it was so enriching and encouraging to us" - Bishop Sospeter Ndenza, Diocese of Kibondo, Tanzania
"This is the most joyous day in our Diocese; an important day. I didn't think this Conference would bring such blessing. For me it has been much more of a blessing than I expected and the seminars have been such a blessing to me through the power of the Holy Spirit. This Conference will have a big impact on the Diocese" - Bishop Godfrey Sebaba, Diocese of Morogoro, Tanzania
"The ROOTED IN JESUS seminars that we had last time help individual Christians to grow spiritually and also the numbers of people in Churches where the Conferences were done have increased. There is a huge multiplication both in quantity and in quality" - David ole Kereto, General Secretary, Covenant Church International, Kenya
"I did not know that through RinJ session we take this opportunity to repent, but now when I discover this I become a blessing for my family and I bring the blessing home." Group member, Kipushi parish, Diocese of Katanga, DR Congo
“As for me, how these lessons make me grow! No one will separate me from Rooted in Jesus during my life on this earth, because I do not think I can testify one minute and not the next. I have been awoken from the deep sleep and from the distractions in which I lived. May God bless the person to whom he revealed this programme!” Regina Kasima, group leader, Diocese of Katanga, DR Congo
"For long time ago I was fear as well about witchdoctor to destroy my animals and my children and everything that I had, but when I started to learn the Word of God I don't fear anything. I have power to invite my friends who are the same age to come to Jesus, because I understand and I trust in him that there is no name has power than Jesus Christ. Jesus is my protector with all that he gave me. John 20:28-29", Abraham, group member, Diocese of Kiteto, Tanzania
“I have certainly learnt how to pray for others in groups, and also the meaning of the Bible verses given to us to memorise. I have grown spiritually in my own special way. What stood out for me is the way Claire took us through the Lord’s Prayer and explained what each verse meant. Looking forward to next year!” – Avis, Diocese of Grahamstown, South Africa
"The course we learn at St Paul's Church (Musonda Falls) and now we are growing spiritually. I even started telling people how the work of the book Rooted in Jesus Christ are. People now are responding and get interested in the lessons. And now we even go to the village and do Evangelism to different people who are not church members”, Rosaria Chipampe, Diocese of Luapula, Zambia
"It was amazing! Such a learning experience for me. I was completely humbled by how grateful the people on the course were for this opportunity to learn and to lead. It was a privilege being there as an ordained woman and feeling a shift in the way women are rising up as leaders in their own contexts. It was a joy to get to know the women in particular. I will not take for granted the access to amazing training that I have in my ministry. It made me question the way we run small groups in England. Rooted in Jesus was such a comprehensive guide for leaders that it made me wonder whether we do this with our own leaders and how we can encourage and affirm what they are doing." Hannah Shingler, team member to the Diocese of Upper Shire, Malawi
"'Growing the Church' has adopted Rooted in Jesus as one of the core elements in growing God’s church in our Province of 28 Dioceses. We see RinJ as Alpha and two years of discipleship rolled into one. We are desperate not to cultivate a faith that is 100 miles wide and an inch deep!"
Trevor Pearce, Director, Growing the Church, South Africa.
Video reports, interviews and demonstrations...

Rooted in Jesus song, Diocese of Northern Uganda, February 2024

Revd Emmanuel Etesegeri reports from the Diocese of Aru, DR Congo, Nov 2023

Daniel Maganin reports on the RinJ conference in Zambezia, May 2023

Bishop Vicente Msosa reports on the RinJ conference in Zambezia, May 2023

Report from the RinJ Conference in Kitale Diocese, March 2022

Revd Leonard Giligwa encouarages us to be rooted in Jesus

A Mother's Union representatives responds to the RinJ Conference in the
missionary diocese of Lake Tanganyika, DR Congo, August 2021 (in French)

Bishop Todd McGregor of the Diocese of Toliara, Madagascar, speaks with Fr Ben Capp about the vision of the diocese and the difficulties caused by coronavirus measures, May 2020

Augustine Baafi shares his faith at the Rooted in Jesus Conference in the Diocese of Koforidua, Ghana, August 2019

Bishop Martin Breytenbach of Growing the Church, South Africa, introduces Rooted in Jesus
March 2019

Bishop Dintoe Letloeyane of the Diocese of the Free State, South Africa speaks with Bishop Martin Breytenbach about how people have been growing as disciples with Rooted in Jesus, February 2019

Bishop Elisha Tendwa tells the story of how he used Rooted in Jesus
to plant the new Diocese of Kalemie in DR Congo, February 2019

Bishop Manuel Ernesto explains how Rooted in Jesus is being used as a foundation for growth in the new Diocese of Nampula, Mozambique, February 2019

Bishop Vicente Msosa of the Diocese of Niassa, Mozambique, speaks about his vision for growing disciples through Rooted in Jesus, February 2019

Colleen Bretytenbach shares her experience of Rooted in Jesus in the Diocese of St Mark, South Africa, and as a trainer in the Dioceses of Niassa and Nampula, Mozambique, February 2019

Interview with Ven Jean Flobert after the Rooted in Jesus Junior conference,
Diocese of Fianarantsoa, August 2017

Film of the Diocese of Fianarantsoa, August 2017

Video report from the Diocese of Butere, Kenya, July 2017

Interview with Pastor Josphat, Kenya, May 2016

Interview with Canon Jacob Robert, Regional Coordinator for Rooted in Jesus in Tanzania, August 2014
Alison Morgan on the Tools of Discipleship, Anglicans Ablaze Conference, Johannesburg July 2014
Rooted in Jesus workshop, Anglicans Ablaze Conference, Johannesburg July 2014 -
Alison Morgan & Estelle Adams

Rooted in Jesus workshop, Anglicans Ablaze Conference, Johannesburg July 2014
Bishop Martin Breytenbach

Rooted in Jesus workshop, Anglicans Ablaze Conference, Johannesburg July 2014
Nicole Corlew

Interview with conference participant, Diocese of Katanga, DR Congo, March 2014

Worshipping God, Diocese of Katanga, DR Congo, March 2014

Interview with team member Alfred Sichone, Diocese of Northern Zambia, March 2014

Closing worship and certificate presentation, Diocese of Kibondo, Tanzania, June 2013

Video report on Rooted in Jesus from Madagascar by Richard Morgan, April 2013.

Video report on Rooted in Jesus from South Africa by Richard Morgan, February 2011.

Interviews with participants at the Anglican Youth RinJ Conference,
by Anglican Youth of South Africa, Johannesburg, February 2011 Part 1

Interviews with participants at the Anglican Youth RinJ Conference,
by Anglican Youth of South Africa, Johannesburg, February 2011 Part 2
Interview with Luke, a minister using RinJ in his parish,
Diocese of St Mark's, South Africa, February 2011
Interview with Renae, a group leader and team member
Diocese of St Mark's, South Africa, February 2011
A demonstration lesson by Michael Samuel
at a conference in Masasi, Tanzania (in Swahili), August 2009

Praising God in the Diocese of Masasi, Tanzania, August 2009
Interview with Amorim Rocha, RinJ coordinator in the Diocese of Niassa, Mozambique, May 2006

Interview with Stanley Hotay, Diocese of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, May 2006
"'Growing the Church' has adopted Rooted in Jesus as one of the core elements in growing God’s church in our Province of 28 Dioceses. We see RinJ as Alpha and two years of discipleship rolled into one. We are desperate not to cultivate a faith that is 100 miles wide and an inch deep!"
"Trevor Pearce, Director, Growing the Church, South Africa." |
Rooted in Jesus is published and supported by The Mathetes Trust.
For more information please contact us.